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10.1145/1378191.1378214acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesmmsysConference Proceedingsconference-collections

GONE: an infrastructure overlay for resilient, DoS-limiting networking

Published: 26 May 2006 Publication History


With today's penetration in volume and variety of information flowing across the Internet, data and services are experiencing various issues with the TCP/IP infrastructure, most notably availability, reliability and mobility. Therefore, a critical infrastructure is highly desireable, in particular for multimedia streaming applications. So far the proposed approaches have focused on applying application-layer routing and path monitoring for reliability and on enforcing stateful packet filters in hosts or network to protect against Denial of Service (DoS) attacks. Each of them solves its own aspect of the problem, trading scalability for availability and reliability among a relatively small set of nodes, yet there is no single overall solution available which addresses these issues in a large scale.
We propose an alternative overlay network architecture by introducing a set of generic functions in network edges and end hosts. We conjecture that the network edge constitutes a major source of DoS, resilience and mobility issues to the network, and propose a new solution to this problem, namely the General Internet Signaling Transport (GIST) Overlay Networking Extension, or GONE. The basic idea of GONE is to create a half-permanent overlay mesh consisting of GONE-enabled edge routers, which employs capability-based DoS prevention and forwards end-to-end user traffic using the GIST messaging associations. GONE's use of GIST on top of SCTP allows multi-homing, multi-streaming and partial reliability, while only a limited overhead for maintaining the messaging association is introduced. In addition, upon the services provided by GONE overlays, hosts are identified by their unique host identities independent of their topologies location, and simply require (de-)multiplexing instead of the traditional connection management and other complex functionality in the transport layer. As a result, this approach offers a number of advantages for upper layer end-to-end applications, including intrinsic provisioning of resilience and DoS prevention in a dynamic and nomadic environment.


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cover image ACM Conferences
NOSSDAV '06: Proceedings of the 2006 international workshop on Network and operating systems support for digital audio and video
May 2006
168 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 26 May 2006


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  1. denial-of-service
  2. general internet signaling transport
  3. host identity protocol
  4. overlay networking
  5. resilience


  • Research-article



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