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10.1145/1378533.1378582acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesspaaConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Kicking the tires of software transactional memory: why the going gets tough

Published: 14 June 2008 Publication History


Transactional Memory (TM) promises to simplify concurrent programming, which has been notoriously difficult but crucial in realizing the performance benefit of multi-core processors. Software Transaction Memory (STM), in particular, represents a body of important TM technologies since it provides a mechanism to run transactional programs when hardware TM support is not available, or when hardware TM resources are exhausted. Nonetheless, most previous researches on STMs were constrained to executing trivial, small-scale workloads. The assumption was that the same techniques applied to small-scale workloads could readily be applied to real-life, large-scale workloads. However, by executing several nontrivial workloads such as particle dynamics simulation and game physics engine on a state of the art STM, we noticed that this assumption does not hold. Specifically, we identified four major performance bottlenecks that were unique to the case of executing large-scale workloads on an STM: false conflicts, over-instrumentation, privatization-safety cost, and poor amortization. We believe that these bottlenecks would be common for any STM targeting real-world applications. In this paper, we describe those identified bottlenecks in detail, and we propose novel solutions to alleviate the issues. We also thoroughly validate these approaches with experimental results on real machines.


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cover image ACM Conferences
SPAA '08: Proceedings of the twentieth annual symposium on Parallelism in algorithms and architectures
June 2008
380 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

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Published: 14 June 2008


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  1. c/c++
  2. compiler
  3. measurement
  4. performance
  5. runtime
  6. software transactional memory


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