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View all- Manocha DCalamia PLin MManocha DSavioja LTsingos N(2009)Interactive sound renderingACM SIGGRAPH 2009 Courses10.1145/1667239.1667254(1-338)Online publication date: 3-Aug-2009
Drum kits consist of various kinds of percussion instruments. As all percussion instruments are large and heavy, they are inconvenient for drummers to carry and set up. Virtual drums, which include motion sensors and enable drummers to imitate playing ...
Beating a bass, plucking a drum -- new systems of instruments make it possible. In this paper we describe recent research into networked musical instruments for group improvisation; instruments that reciprocally influence each other's behaviour, making, ...
In malleable job scheduling, jobs can be executed simultaneously on multiple machines with the processing time depending on the number of allocated machines. In this setting, jobs are required to be executed non-preemptively and in unison, in the ...
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