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View all- Stomakhin ASchroeder CChai LTeran JSelle A(2013)A material point method for snow simulationACM Transactions on Graphics10.1145/2461912.246194832:4(1-10)Online publication date: 21-Jul-2013
Snow is a challenging natural phenomenon to visually simulate. While the graphics community has previously considered accumulation and rendering of snow, animation of snow dynamics has not been fully addressed. Additionally, existing techniques for ...
Snow is a complex material. It resists elastic normal and shear deformations, while some deformations are plastic. Snow can deform and break. It can be significantly compressed and gets harder under compression. Existing snow solvers produce impressive ...
We present a physics-based simulation method for animating sand. To allow for efficiently scaling up to large volumes of sand, we abstract away the individual grains and think of the sand as a continuum. In particular we show that an existing water ...
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