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View all- Berger FSchimpf ABieniusa AWehr SFernandez-Reyes KVoinea A(2024)Same Same but Different: A Comparative Analysis of Static Type Checkers in ErlangProceedings of the 23rd ACM SIGPLAN International Workshop on Erlang10.1145/3677995.3678189(2-12)Online publication date: 28-Aug-2024
- Schimpf AWehr SBieniusa A(2022)Set-theoretic Types for ErlangProceedings of the 34th Symposium on Implementation and Application of Functional Languages10.1145/3587216.3587220(1-14)Online publication date: 31-Aug-2022
- Cassola MTalagorria APardo AViera MCavalcante EDantas FBatista T(2020)A Gradual Type System for ElixirProceedings of the 24th Brazilian Symposium on Context-Oriented Programming and Advanced Modularity10.1145/3427081.3427084(17-24)Online publication date: 19-Oct-2020
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