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10.1145/1411732.1411734acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagespppjConference Proceedingsconference-collections

The JavaFest: a collaborative learning technique for Java programming courses

Published: 09 September 2008 Publication History


Learning to create well-designed and robust Java programs requires, besides a good understanding of the language, a significant amount of practice. In this paper we present the JavaFest, a collaborative learning technique for teaching Java to beginning programmers. A JavaFest is a group exercise that instructors can add to their repertoire of teaching techniques. It provides an opportunity for students to practice programming in a motivating but non-threatening environment, and to learn from the experience of their peers. Moreover, a JavaFest allows the instructor to gain insight into the current standing of the students in her class.
We describe the concept of a JavaFest and present three case studies in the form of three concrete JavaFests we developed and evaluated in our own object-oriented programming course. The general idea of a JavaFest, and the three specific examples we describe and evaluate, can easily be adopted to enhance any Java programming course.


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  1. The JavaFest: a collaborative learning technique for Java programming courses



    Information & Contributors


    Published In

    cover image ACM Conferences
    PPPJ '08: Proceedings of the 6th international symposium on Principles and practice of programming in Java
    September 2008
    198 pages
    • Conference Chairs:
    • Luis Veiga,
    • Vasco Amaral
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    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

    Publication History

    Published: 09 September 2008


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