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Investigating the effects of fine-grain three-dimensional integration on microarchitecture design

Published: 07 November 2008 Publication History


In this article we propose techniques that enable efficient exploration of the 3D design space, where each logical block can span more than one silicon layer. Fine-grain 3D integration provides reduced intrablock wire delay as well as improved power consumption. However, the corresponding power and performance advantage is usually underutilized, since various implementations of multilayer blocks require novel physical design and microarchitecture infrastructure to explore 3D microarchitecture design space. We develop a cubic packing engine which can simultaneously optimize physical and architectural design for efficient vertical integration. This technique selects the individual unit designs from a set of single-layer or multilayer implementations to get the best microarchitectural design in terms of performance, temperature, or both. Our experimental results using a design driver of a high-performance superscalar processor show a 36% performance improvement over traditional 2D for 2--4 layers and 14% over 3D with single-layer unit implementations. Since thermal characteristics of 3D integrated circuits are among the main challenges, thermal-aware floorplanning and thermal via insertion techniques are employed to keep the peak temperatures below threshold.


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      cover image ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems
      ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems  Volume 4, Issue 4
      October 2008
      123 pages
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      Published: 07 November 2008
      Accepted: 01 May 2008
      Revised: 01 May 2008
      Received: 01 December 2007
      Published in JETC Volume 4, Issue 4


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      1. 3D integration
      2. 3D packing
      3. microarchitecture
      4. thermal


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