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View all- 王 勇(2017)The Effort Distribution of Software Development PhasesComputer Science and Application10.12677/CSA.2017.7505207:05(428-437)Online publication date: 2017
The Unified Development Process (USDP) and especially its implementation by Rational Software Corporation, the Rational Unified Process (RUP), is a comprehensive process covering almost all aspects of software development projects. However, due to the ...
Integrated computer-aided software engineering (ICASE) tools and their effect on software development effort and productivity have gained interest in recent research. This research studies the applicability of function points and technical complexity ...
In this exploratory case study, effort distribution visualizations of industrial software development projects are made in order to assess to what extent patterns can be found that describe the nature of the distribution of effort. The visualization of ...
Association for Computing Machinery
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