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This volume contains papers selected for presentation at the 8th International Conference on New Technologies in Distributed Systems (NOTERE 2008) which took place in Lyon, France on June 23- 27, 2008.
Systems have been evolving from pre-defined, monolithic, centralized architectures to increasingly decentralized, distributed, and dynamically composed federations of components. New applications, such as global supply-chain management and complex health-care systems, impose major research challenges in integration, interoperability, discovery, negotiation, collaboration, and optimization. Distributed and mobile collaboration technologies are beginning to allow people to move across organizational boundaries and to interact within and across organizations as well as communities, creating virtual communities or so-called "social networks". These virtual systems require sophisticated collaboration functionalities. Service-oriented architectures are emerging as a possible solution to build smart networks and enable grid and on-demand computing. The fast evolution of wireless technologies drives demand to extend interaction between users and mobile devices to the interaction with objects and services in the everyday world, opening thus the opportunity for context-aware and ubiquitous computing. Wireless Internet, mobile ad-hoc and sensor networks are seen as new platforms for future distributed and pervasive systems, exacerbating in turn the problems of privacy and security. Software processes are evolving from pre-specified sequential work-flows to decentralized and multi-organization collaborative endeavors. Business environments demand increased flexibility, dependability, fault-tolerance, and autonomy of involved heterogeneous systems. While significant progress has been achieved in distributed systems, new and adaptive technologies are needed to meet the fast evolving requirements and challenges presented by a myriad of new applications.
The International Conference on New Technologies in Distributed Systems (NOTERE) is a bilingual (French/English) forum intended to bring together researchers and practitioners who are actively engaged both in theoretical and practical aspects of New Technologies in distributed systems. The main objective is to provide an effective forum for exchanging up-to-date information and experiences in distributed systems and debating issues and directions for further research and development.
NOTERE 2008 received 97 submissions from all over the world including Algeria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Morocco, Spain, Tunisia, and USA. After a thorough review process for each submission by the Program Committee members and expert reviewers recommended by PC members, NOTERE 2008 chairs accepted 31 full research papers and 3 short research papers resulting in an acceptance rate of 36%. This volume also includes NOTERE 2008 DEMO papers.
The NOTERE 2008 conference was supported by Lyon 1 University, INSA of Lyon, Lyon 2 University, IUT A of Lyon, ISTASE Institute in Saint-Etienne, LIRIS Laboratory, the French ministry of high education and research, France Telecom R&D, MAIF, the local "Conseil Regional du Rhône", the local "Conseil Géneral du Rhône", and the city of Villeurbanne.
- Proceedings of the 8th international conference on New technologies in distributed systems