Cited By
View all- Gibbs IGhazaleh HDascalu S(2011)Message adaptor code generation2011 9th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics10.1109/INDIN.2011.6034972(676-681)Online publication date: Jul-2011
Model transformations form a key part of MDA (Model-Driven Architecture). Most of the studies deal with the transformations from PIM (Platform-Independent Model) to PSM (Platform-Specific Model) and PSM to Code, but very few deal with the transformation ...
Two important aspects of future software engineering techniques will be the ability to seamlessly move from analysis models to design models and the ability to model dynamic systems where scenarios and structures may change at run-time. Use Case Maps (...
UML profiling presents some acknowledged deficiencies, among which the lack of expressiveness of the profiled notations, together with the high coupling between abstract and concrete syntaxes outstand. These deficiencies may cause distress among UML-...
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