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A new approach to debugging optimized code
Debugging optimized code is a desirable capability not provided by most current debuggers. Users are forced to debug the unoptimized code when a bug occurs in the optimized version. Current research offers partial solutions for a small class of ...
Dynascope: a tool for program directing
This paper introduces program directing, a new way of program interaction. Directing enables one program, the director, to monitor and to control another program, the executor. One important application of program directing is human interaction with ...
A retargetable debugger
We are developing techniques for building retargetable debuggers. Our prototype, 1db, debugs C programs compiled for the MIPS R3000, Motorola 68020, SPARC, and VAX architectures. It can use a network to connect to faulty processes and can do cross-...
Debugging optimized code with dynamic deoptimization
SELF's debugging system provides complete source-level debugging (expected behavior) with globally optimized code. It shields the debugger from optimizations performed by the compiler by dynamically deoptimizing code on demand. Deoptimization only ...
The design and implementation of HoME
HoME is a version of Smalltalk which can be efficiently executed on a multiprocessor and can be executed in parallel by combining a Smalltalk process with a Mach thread and executing the process on the thread. HoME is nearly the same as ordinary ...
A customizable substrate for concurrent languages
We describe an approach to implementing a wide-range of concurrency paradigms in high-level (symbolic) programming languages. The focus of our discussion is STING, a dialect of Scheme, that supports lightweight threads of control and virtual processors ...
A concurrent compiler for Modula-2+
In this paper we describe a collection of techniques for the design and implementation of concurrent compilers. We begin by describing a technique for dividing a source program into many streams so that each stream can be compiled concurrently. We ...
Sharlit—a tool for building optimizers
A complex and time-consuming function of a modern compiler is global optimization. Unlike other functions of a compiler such as parsing and code generation which examine only one statement or one basic block at a time, optimizers are much larger in ...
Prototyping Fortran-90 compilers for massively parallel machines
Massively parallel architectures, and the languages used to program them, are among both the most difficult and the most rapidly-changing subjects for compilation. This has created a demand for new compiler prototyping technologies that allow novel ...
Compiling dataflow analysis of logic programs
Abstract interpretation is a technique extensively used for global dataflow analyses of logic programs. Existing implementations of abstract interpretation are slow due to interpretive or transforming overhead and the inefficiency in manipulation of ...
Escape analysis on lists
Higher order functional programs constantly allocate objects dynamically. These objects are typically cons cells, closures, and records and are generally allocated in the heap and reclaimed later by some garbage collection process. This paper describes ...
An abstract machine for CLP(R)
An abstract machine is described for the CLP(ℜ) programming language. It is intended as a first step toward enabling CLP(ℜ) programs to be executed with efficiency approaching that of conventional languages. The core Constraint Logic Arithmetic Machine (...
Eliminating false data dependences using the Omega test
Array data dependence analysis methods currently in use generate false dependences that can prevent useful program transformations. These false dependences arise because the questions asked are conservative approximations to the questions we really ...
Delinearization: an efficient way to break multiloop dependence equations
Exact and efficient data dependence testing is a key to success of loop-parallelizing compiler for computationally intensive programs. A number of algorithms has been created to test array references contained in parameter loops for dependence but most ...
Beyond induction variables
Induction variable detection is usually closely tied to the strength reduction optimization. This paper studies induction variable analysis from a different perspective, that of finding induction variables for data dependence analysis. While classical ...
A general framework for iteration-reordering loop transformations
This paper describes a general framework for representing iteration-reordering transformations. These transformations can be both matrix-based and non-matrix-based. Transformations are defined by rules for mapping dependence vectors, rules for mapping ...
Relaxing SIMD control flow constraints using loop transformations
Many loop nests in scientific codes contain a parallelizable outer loop but have an inner loop for which the number of iterations varies between different iterations of the outer loop. When running this kind of loop nest on a SIMD machine, the SIMD-...
A dynamic scheduling method for irregular parallel programs
This paper develops a methodology for compiling and executing irregular parallel programs. Such programs implement parallel operations whose size and work distribution depend on input data. We show a fundamental relationship between three quantities ...
Lazy code motion
We present a bit-vector algorithm for the optimal and economical placement of computations within flow graphs, which is as efficient as standard uni-directional analyses. The point of our algorithm is the decomposition of the bi-directional structure of ...
A safe approximate algorithm for interprocedural aliasing
During execution, when two or more names exist for the same location at some program point, we call them aliases. In a language which allows arbitrary pointers, the problem of determining aliases at a program point is ρ-space-hard [Lan92]. We present an ...
Abstractions for recursive pointer data structures: improving the analysis and transformation of imperative programs
Even though impressive progress has been made in the area of optimizing and parallelizing programs with arrays, the application of similar techniques to programs with pointer data structures has remained difficult. In this paper we introduce a new ...
Alphonse: incremental computation as a programming abstraction
Alphonse is a program transformation system that uses dynamic dependency analysis and incremental computation techniques to automatically generate efficient dynamic implementations from simple exhaustive imperative program specifications.
Compiler support for garbage collection in a statically typed language
We consider the problem of supporting compacting garbage collection in the presence of modern compiler optimizations. Since our collector may move any heap object, it must accurately locate, follow, and update all pointers and values derived from ...
Register allocation for software pipelined loops
Software pipelining is an important instruction scheduling technique for efficiently overlapping successive iterations of loops and executing them in parallel. This paper studies the task of register allocation for software pipelined loops, both with ...
Probabilistic register allocation
A new global register allocation technique, probabilistic register allocation, is described. Probabilistic register allocation quantifies the costs and benefits of allocating variables to registers over live ranges so that excellent allocation choices ...
This paper examines a problem that arises during global register allocation – rematerialization. If a value cannot be kept in a register, the allocator should recognize when it is cheaper to recompute the value (rematerialize it) than to store and ...
Avoiding unconditional jumps by code replication
This study evaluates a global optimization technique that avoids unconditional jumps by replicating code. When implemented in the back-end of an optimizing compiler, this technique can be generalized to work on almost all instances of unconditional ...
Simple and efficient BURS table generation
A simple and efficient algorithm for generating bottom-up rewrite system (BURS) tables is described. A small prototype implementation produces tables 10 to 30 times more quickly than the best current techniques. The algorithm does not require novel data ...
Index Terms
- Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN 1992 conference on Programming language design and implementation