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10.1145/1455770.1455808acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesccsConference Proceedingsconference-collections

A formal framework for reflective database access control policies

Published: 27 October 2008 Publication History


Reflective Database Access Control (RDBAC) is a model in which a database privilege is expressed as a database query itself, rather than as a static privilege contained in an access control list. RDBAC aids the management of database access controls by improving the expressiveness of policies. However, such policies introduce new interactions between data managed by different users, and can lead to unexpected results if not carefully written and analyzed. We propose the use of Transaction Datalog as a formal framework for expressing reflective access control policies. We demonstrate how it provides a basis for analyzing certain types of policies and enables secure implementations that can guarantee that configurations built on these policies cannot be subverted.


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  1. A formal framework for reflective database access control policies



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      cover image ACM Conferences
      CCS '08: Proceedings of the 15th ACM conference on Computer and communications security
      October 2008
      590 pages
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      Association for Computing Machinery

      New York, NY, United States

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      Published: 27 October 2008


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      1. fine-grained access control
      2. formal safety verification
      3. reflective database access control
      4. transaction datalog


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