Cited By
View all- Burkhart MSchatzmann DTrammell BBoschi EPlattner B(2010)The role of network trace anonymization under attackACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review10.1145/1672308.167231040:1(5-11)Online publication date: 7-Jan-2010
This work was motivated by a discussion that two of the coauthors (computer science professors) had with the other coauthor (a law professor and a former computer crime Trial Attorney at the U.S. Department of Justice), in which it was pointed out that ...
Pushes for increased power of Law Enforcement (LE) for data retention and centralized storage result in legal challenges with data protection law and courts-and possible violations of the right to privacy. This is motivated by a desire for better ...
Companies that own, license, or maintain personal information face a daunting number of privacy and security regulations. Companies are subject to new regulations from one or more governing bodies, when companies introduce new or existing products into ...
Association for Computing Machinery
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