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Cross-disciplinary perspectives on meta-learning for algorithm selection

Published: 15 January 2009 Publication History


The algorithm selection problem [Rice 1976] seeks to answer the question: Which algorithm is likely to perform best for my problem? Recognizing the problem as a learning task in the early 1990's, the machine learning community has developed the field of meta-learning, focused on learning about learning algorithm performance on classification problems. But there has been only limited generalization of these ideas beyond classification, and many related attempts have been made in other disciplines (such as AI and operations research) to tackle the algorithm selection problem in different ways, introducing different terminology, and overlooking the similarities of approaches. In this sense, there is much to be gained from a greater awareness of developments in meta-learning, and how these ideas can be generalized to learn about the behaviors of other (nonlearning) algorithms. In this article we present a unified framework for considering the algorithm selection problem as a learning problem, and use this framework to tie together the crossdisciplinary developments in tackling the algorithm selection problem. We discuss the generalization of meta-learning concepts to algorithms focused on tasks including sorting, forecasting, constraint satisfaction, and optimization, and the extension of these ideas to bioinformatics, cryptography, and other fields.


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      ACM Computing Surveys  Volume 41, Issue 1
      January 2009
      281 pages
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      Publication History

      Published: 15 January 2009
      Accepted: 01 March 2008
      Revised: 01 December 2007
      Received: 01 July 2007
      Published in CSUR Volume 41, Issue 1


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      1. Algorithm selection
      2. classification
      3. combinatorial optimization
      4. constraint satisfaction
      5. dataset characterization
      6. empirical hardness
      7. forecasting
      8. landscape analysis
      9. meta-learning
      10. model selection
      11. sorting


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