It is our pleasure to welcome you to the BooksOnline'08 Workshop on Research Advances in Large Digital Book Repositories. The objective of the workshop is to provide an opportunity for participants to exchange their views and share their experiences with research, applications, and services that involve digital book collections. Through discussions and brainstorming we expect to identify exciting new opportunities for innovation as well as issues that require immediate attention and should be part of our research agenda over the following five years.
We are delighted that the workshop involves experts from academia, libraries, publishing industry, and online services, who will provide their perspective on the state-of-the-art, outstanding problems, and opportunities for innovation. In the proceedings we include selected position papers that span topics from unique characteristics of on-line book collections and new usage scenarios to requirements for innovative approaches to content representation and discovery. They point to the importance of social aspects of online collections and a need to assess quality of services through large scale experimentation.
Proceeding Downloads
The integrated eBook: the convergence of ebook, companion web site, and elearning
In recent years, universities have adopted eLearning solutions as part of their learning resources to provide students with digital and multimedia content. The effect of this strategy is that the educational materials in electronic format are replacing ...
E-Books are not books
Currently, in the early days of their development, e-books are essentially following the evolutionary path of physical books, a path that started thousands of years ago. Yet physical books are containers for a wide variety of information types, and are ...
Multimedia enriched digital books
This paper proposes new extensions of the digital book concept together with the required approaches to support their automatic generation. Most best-sellers have often inspired other related products, sometimes in different media. Some of these can be ...
Traditional resources help interpret texts
Simple word matching between the user query and document is common, as are mis-matches of meaning that occur as a consequence, and errors in recall. These defects in the "bag of words" model are well known, and raising the semantic level of ...
Reading in the office
Reading online poses a number of technological challenges. Advances in technology such as touch screens, light-weight high-power computers, and bi-stable displays have periodically renewed interest in online reading over the last twenty years, only to ...
Social navigation and annotation for electronic books
Modern efforts on digitizing electronic books focus on preserving authentic "spatial" representation of the original sources. The new format requires new tools to help users to access, process, and make sense of digital information. This paper presents ...
Codex Redux: books and new knowledge environments
In this paper, we present the work of the INKE (Implementing New Knowledge Environments) research group, a large international, interdisciplinary research team studying reading and texts, both digital and printed. The INKE team is comprised of ...
The active reading task: e-books and their readers
This paper describes the Active Reading task, a recent addition to the INEX Book Search track1. This task aims at exploring how people interact with e-books in different scenarios of use. Besides, it has been designed to take into account a corpus of ...
How should users access the content of digital books?
I report briefly on some of my own work in each of these areas and elucidate some of the questions that this research has raised. Then I propose as a research agenda the development of a digital library environment containing a suite of inter-related ...
Collection-level analysis tools for books online
Efforts to develop ebook-based functionality have focused thusfar on the individual artifact--the hardware and software reader--and on promoting user engagement with the page by supporting annotation, clipping, and navigation. In this position paper, I ...
A web service for long tail book publishing
More than 32M unique book titles are available in US libraries, but Amazon, the biggest retailer, had only 1.2M unique titles available for sale in 2004. Currently there is an effort underway by public libraries, universities, the Open Content Alliance, ...
Sharing knowledge across language barriers: a universal approach for online books.
Our focus is on a real case of a massive collection of online books (e-books), the case of EOLSS (Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems). It is a massive collection of documentation, under constant change, aiming at different categories of readers coming ...
Book search: indexing the valuable parts
With massive book digitization efforts underway, there is a need for developing effective book retrieval strategies. This paper explores the relative contribution of different parts of digitized and OCR'ed books towards effective retrieval. The examined ...
Automatic metadata generation for scanned scientific volumes
Large scale digitization projects have been conducted at the Internet Archive digital library to preserve cultural artifacts and to provide permanent access. The increasing amount of digitized resources requires advanced tools and methods that will ...
Feasibility of a primarily digital research library
This position paper explores the issues related to the feasibility of having a primarily digital research library support the teaching and research needs of a university. The Asian University for Women (AUW), a new university in Chittagong, Bangladesh, ...
Cited By
- Doucet A, Kazai G, Colutto S and Mühlberger G ICDAR 2013 Competition on Book Structure Extraction Proceedings of the 2013 12th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, (1438-1443)
- Doucet A, Kazai G and Meunier J ICDAR 2011 Book Structure Extraction Competition Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, (1501-1505)