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Fault-tolerant semantic mappings among heterogeneous and distributed local ontologies

Published: 30 October 2008 Publication History


Overcoming semantic mapping faults, i.e. semantic incompatibility, is a vital issue for the success of semantic-based peer-to-peer systems. There are various research efforts which address the classification and the resolution of the semantic mapping fault problem, i.e. translation errors. All of the precedent research related to semantic mapping faults demonstrates one significant shortcoming. This flaw is the inability to discriminate between non-permanent and permanent semantic mapping faults, i.e. how long do semantic incompatibilities stay effective and are the semantic incompatibilities permanent or temporary? The current research examines the destructive effect of semantic mapping faults on the Emerging Semantics, i.e. bottom-up construction of ontology and proposes a solution to detect temporal semantic mapping faults. The current research also demonstrates that fault-tolerant semantic mapping will result in Emerging Semantics which are more complete and agreeable than those domain ontologies that are built without consideration for fault-tolerant semantic mapping.


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Cited By

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  • (2018)State-of-the-art on mapping maintenance and challenges towards a fully automatic approachExpert Systems with Applications: An International Journal10.1016/j.eswa.2014.08.04742:3(1465-1478)Online publication date: 29-Dec-2018
  • (2009)A Reference Model for Semantic Peer-to-Peer NetworksE-Technologies: Innovation in an Open World10.1007/978-3-642-01187-0_27(319-334)Online publication date: 2009

Index Terms

  1. Fault-tolerant semantic mappings among heterogeneous and distributed local ontologies



    Information & Contributors


    Published In

    cover image ACM Conferences
    ONISW '08: Proceedings of the 2nd international workshop on Ontologies and information systems for the semantic web
    October 2008
    124 pages
    • General Chair:
    • Ramez Elmasri,
    • Program Chairs:
    • Martin Doerr,
    • Mathias Brochhausen,
    • Hyoil Han
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    Association for Computing Machinery

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    Published: 30 October 2008


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    Author Tags

    1. consensus reaching
    2. emergent semantics
    3. heterogeneous information sources
    4. interoperability
    5. ontology mapping
    6. semantic conflicts
    7. temporal faults


    • Research-article


    CIKM08: Conference on Information and Knowledge Management
    October 30, 2008
    California, Napa Valley, USA

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    • (2018)State-of-the-art on mapping maintenance and challenges towards a fully automatic approachExpert Systems with Applications: An International Journal10.1016/j.eswa.2014.08.04742:3(1465-1478)Online publication date: 29-Dec-2018
    • (2009)A Reference Model for Semantic Peer-to-Peer NetworksE-Technologies: Innovation in an Open World10.1007/978-3-642-01187-0_27(319-334)Online publication date: 2009

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