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10.1145/1458527.1458548acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesthewebconfConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Professional credibility: authority on the web

Published: 30 October 2008 Publication History


Opinion mining techniques add another dimension to search and summarization technology by actually identifying the author's opinion about a subject, rather than simply identifying the subject itself. Given the dramatic explosion of the blogosphere, both in terms of its data and its participants, it is becoming increasingly important to be able to measure the authority of these participants, especially when professional application areas are involved. After having performed preliminary investigations into sentiment analysis in the legal blogosphere, we are beginning a new direction of work which addresses representing, measuring, and monitoring the degree of authority and thus presumed credibility associated with various types of blog participants. In particular, we explore the utility of authority-detection layered atop opinion mining in the legal and financial domains.


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Amubhav Kale, Amit Karandikar, Pranam Kolari, Akshay Java, Tim Finin, and Anupam Joshi. Modeling trust and influence in the Blogosphere using link polarity. In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Weblogs and Social Media (ICWSM07), Boulder, CO, 2007.
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Brian Ulicny and Ken Baclawski. New metrics for newsblog credibility. In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Weblogs and Social Media (ICWSM07), Boulder, CO, 2007.

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cover image ACM Conferences
WICOW '08: Proceedings of the 2nd ACM workshop on Information credibility on the web
October 2008
100 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 30 October 2008


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  1. authority
  2. blog mining
  3. blog monitoring
  4. credibility
  5. opinion mining


  • Short-paper


CIKM08: Conference on Information and Knowledge Management
October 30, 2008
California, Napa Valley, USA

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