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Query selection for improved Greek web searches

Published: 30 October 2008 Publication History


As the Web becomes an integral part of our everyday life and the Internet-literate population grows rapidly, the Search Engine market is steadily gaining a high monetary value. Unfortunately, today, the distribution of the search market share is dominated by English-speaking users and stakeholders, basically because English is the lingua franca of the Web. Thus, although the majority of the Web users are non-English native speakers, they naturally gravitate to using English in order to explore the plentiful Web content. In this paper, we propose a query selection mechanism for assisting users perform successful non-English Web searches. Our mechanism combines linguistic analysis and Web mining techniques and aims at assisting users select informative and well-specified queries for expressing their information needs in languages other than English. Our technique is validated on a dataset of 70 Greek queries issued to Google search engine over a period of 3 weeks. Obtained results demonstrate that our query selection mechanism yields improved retrieval performance compared to existing non-English search strategies and as such we believe that it can be fruitfully deployed for other natural languages.


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iNEWS '08: Proceedings of the 2nd ACM workshop on Improving non english web searching
October 2008
112 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Published: 30 October 2008


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  1. Greek web search
  2. linguistic analysis
  3. query selection
  4. semantics
  5. text mining


  • Research-article


CIKM08: Conference on Information and Knowledge Management
October 30, 2008
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