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View all- TAMURA SIWAMI SSAKATA I(2021)Knowledge formation of MPEG: Analysis using bibliographic clustering of citation networksSynthesiology10.5571/synth.2021.1_12021:1(1-17)Online publication date: 2021
We present three descriptors of texture feature of a region. Namely, the homogeneous texture descriptor (HTD), the edge histogram descriptor (EHD), and the perceptual browsing descriptor (PBD). They are currently included in the Committee Draft of the ...
MPEG-7 visual descriptors include the color, texture and shape descriptor and were introduced, after a long period of evaluation, for efficient content-based image retrieval. A total of 22 different kind of features are included, nine for color, eight ...
MPEG-7 standard describes visual descriptors and performance metrics for image classification. Amongst all image features, color and texture are more visually expressive and hence are attractive for visual descriptors. Further, combination of features ...
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