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Information filtering and query indexing for an information retrieval model

Published: 09 March 2009 Publication History


In the information filtering paradigm, clients subscribe to a server with continuous queries or profiles that express their information needs. Clients can also publish documents to servers. Whenever a document is published, the continuous queries satisfying this document are found and notifications are sent to appropriate clients. This article deals with the filtering problem that needs to be solved efficiently by each server: Given a database of continuous queries db and a document d, find all queries qdb that match d. We present data structures and indexing algorithms that enable us to solve the filtering problem efficiently for large databases of queries expressed in the model AWP. AWP is based on named attributes with values of type text, and its query language includes Boolean and word proximity operators.


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ACM Transactions on Information Systems  Volume 27, Issue 2
February 2009
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Published: 09 March 2009
Accepted: 01 June 2008
Revised: 01 July 2007
Received: 01 February 2006
Published in TOIS Volume 27, Issue 2


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  1. Information filtering
  2. performance evaluation
  3. query indexing algorithms
  4. selective dissemination of information


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