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10.1145/1463160.1463167acmotherconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesnordichiConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Interaction design and the critics: what to make of the "weegie"

Published: 20 October 2008 Publication History


This paper describes the development and evaluation of "weegie" an audio-photography desk featuring sounds and images inspired by the Govan area of Glasgow. It was intended to be an interactive artwork that would challenge negative preconceptions about the area. The paper describes two techniques used to consider the extent to which the piece achieved these aims. The first technique is the "personal meaning map" and taken from museum studies. The second is cultural critique drawn from the arts. Building on Gaver's [24] strategy of using cultural commentators for 'polyphonic' assessment it considers the extent to which perspectives drawn from the humanities and the arts can be useful in evaluating design. It argues that a more rigorous understanding of critical theory is necessary to the development of interaction design criticism.


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  1. Interaction design and the critics: what to make of the "weegie"



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    cover image ACM Other conferences
    NordiCHI '08: Proceedings of the 5th Nordic conference on Human-computer interaction: building bridges
    October 2008
    621 pages
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    • Mangold International
    • Microsoft Dynamics



    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

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    Published: 20 October 2008


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    1. evaluation
    2. interpretation
    3. methods
    4. multi-media art
    5. personal meaning maps
    6. reviews
    7. user experience


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