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View all- TOMIĆ BHORVAT BJOVANOVIĆ N(2012)AN EXPLANATION FACILITY FRAMEWORK FOR RULE-BASED SYSTEMSInternational Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools10.1142/S021821301250013321:04(1250013)Online publication date: Aug-2012
The development and testing of software-based systems is an essential activity for the automotive industry. The 50-70 software-based systems with different complexities and developed by various suppliers are installed in today's premium vehicles, ...
GUI testing is one of the most important and significant testing approaches among all different software testing techniques. Most software errors are captured and detected through the software GUI layer. Manual testing for GUIs has its problems. It ...
This study applies an experimentation methodology to compare three state-of-the-practice software testing techniques: a) code reading by stepwise abstraction, b) functional testing using equivalence partitioning and boundary value analysis, and c) ...
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