Manufacturing process control at IBM
Pages 461 - 469
IBM manufacturing facilities in both the United States and Europe have installed computer systems of essentially identical design to aid in the control of many types of manufacturing processes. The basic structure of the system is depicted in Figure 1. One or two central computer systems (IBM System 360) are attached to several satellite computers (IBM 1130, 1800 and 360 processors) via a high speed Transmission Control Unit (multiplexor).
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J Waugh A Yonda NSRL on line computer system IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science p 129 February 1968
R Horst The justification of digital process control Modern Data p 20
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C Bond A digital-computer system for industry Industrial Electronics p 221 May 1966
M Mesarovic Multilevel systems and concepts in process control Proceedings of the IEEE 58--1 p 111 1970
J Stuehler The devoted, shared or satellite approach for computer control of manufacturing processes? Proceedings of Western Electronic Show and Convention 8--1 1969
J Spooner Real time operating system for process control Instrument Society of America D1-1-DAHCOD 1967
P Weiler et al A real-time operating system for manned spaceflight IEEE Transactions on Computers C19-5 p 388 1970
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Special issue on process control languages IEEE Transactions on Industrial Control December 1968
R Boedecker The computerized factory Assembly Engineering June 1966
N Chiantella The systems approach to plant automation ASTME Vectors 4 5 1968
F Gut Operations control systems Automation p 55 January 1969
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Published In
November 1970
683 pages
Copyright © 1970 ACM.
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- AFIPS: American Federation of Information Processing Societies
Association for Computing Machinery
New York, NY, United States
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Published: 17 November 1970
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