Cited By
View all- Bianchi APizzutilo S(2010)Studying MANET through a Petri Net-Based ModelProceedings of the 2010 2nd International Conference on Evolving Internet10.1109/INTERNET.2010.44(220-225)Online publication date: 20-Sep-2010
Mobile ad-hoc networks require nodes to cooperate in the relaying of data from source to destination. However, due to their limited resources, selfish nodes may be unwilling to forward packets, which can deteriorate the multi-hop connectivity. Different ...
In mobile ad hoc networks, the mobile nodes can move arbitrarily without any centralised management mechanism. The topology of these networks can be very dynamic due to the mobility of mobile nodes. Under such changeable network topology, multicasting ...
A mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is a temporary infrastructureless network, formed by a set of mobile hosts that dynamically establish their own network on the fly without relying on any central administration. Mobile hosts used in MANET have to ensure ...
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