Cited By
View all- Chusho T(1987)Test Data Selection and Quality Estimation Based on the Concept of Essential Branches for Path TestingIEEE Transactions on Software Engineering10.1109/TSE.1987.23319613:5(509-517)Online publication date: 1-May-1987
Programmers need convenient syntax to write elegant and concise programs. Consequently, the Haskell standard provides syntactic sugar for some scenarios (e.g., do notation for monadic code), authors of Haskell compilers provide syntactic sugar for more ...
This paper compares the effectiveness of two well-known query-dependent link-based ranking algorithms, "Hyperlink-Induced Topic Search" (HITS) and the "Stochastic Approach for Link-Structure Analysis" (SALSA). The two algorithms are evaluated on a very ...
Algorithms such as Kleinberg's HITS algorithm, the PageRank algorithm of Brin and Page, and the SALSA algorithm of Lempel and Moran use the link structure of a network of web pages to assign weights to each page in the network. The weights can then be ...
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