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Improving patient motivation in game development for motor deficit rehabilitation

Published: 03 December 2008 Publication History


It has been stated repeatedly that active participation in rehabilitation programs increases the benefit and effectiveness of therapy. In developing robotic devices for stroke rehabilitation, the existing use of boring task interfaces produces a significant reduction in elderly patient motivation. To combine robot-aided therapy with appealing games, then, is not only a matter of creating entertainment, but a real necessity for motor recovery. Besides emphasizing a lack of attention to elderly patients in conceiving games for post-stroke rehabilitation, this paper launches a challenge to two fields with tremendous collaborative potential. As a precursor to this collaboration, the following research consolidates the gaming scenario criteria for both rehabilitation and elderly entertainment. Conclusions are then formed from the adaptability of existing games to identify the direction of future game development.


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    Published In

    cover image ACM Conferences
    ACE '08: Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology
    December 2008
    427 pages
    • General Chairs:
    • Masa Inakage,
    • Adrian David Cheok
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    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

    Publication History

    Published: 03 December 2008


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    1. assistive technologies
    2. biofeedback
    3. computer games
    4. elderly
    5. motivation
    6. motor rehabilitation
    7. rehabilitation gaming
    8. serious games
    9. skill assessment
    10. stroke


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