Cited By
View all- Dammertz HKeller ALensch H(2010)Progressive Point‐Light‐Based Global IlluminationComputer Graphics Forum10.1111/j.1467-8659.2010.01786.x29:8(2504-2515)Online publication date: 25-Aug-2010
An Intro to RenderMan and Procedural Shading in Pixar's RenderMan Studio (for geeks and artists)
Proceduralism is a powerful concept in computer graphics. It facilitates scenes of enormous scale, exquisite varieties of detail, and impressive efficiency. ...
Pixar’s RenderMan renderer is used to render all of Pixar’s films and by many film studios to render visual effects for live-action movies. RenderMan started as a scanline renderer based on the Reyes algorithm, and it was extended over the years with ...
Pixar's RenderMan software has its origins in the University of Utah during the 1970s, where Pixar founder Ed Catmull did his PhD work on rendering problems. From there, the scene shifted to George Lucas' Lucasfilm in California, where Catmull and few ...
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