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Analytic modeling of network processors for parallel workload mapping

Published: 22 April 2009 Publication History


Network processors are heterogeneous system-on-chip multiprocessors that are optimized to perform packet forwarding and processing tasks at Gigabit data rates. To meet the performance demands of increasing link speeds and complex network applications, network processors are implemented with several dozen embedded processor cores and hardware accelerators that run multiple packet processing applications in parallel. The parallel nature of the processing system makes it increasingly difficult for application developers to understand and manage resources and map processing tasks to the hardware. To address this problem, we present a methodology for profiling and analyzing network processor applications, mapping processing tasks to a generalized network processor architecture, and analytically determining the expected throughput performance. The key novelty of this work is not only the adaptation of application analysis and mapping algorithms to heterogeneous network processors, but also that the entire process can be automated and hidden from the application developer. Starting with the analysis of a uniprocessor implementation of the application, the process yields a mapping of the partitioned application that shows best performance for a given network processor system. The simplicity of the proposed randomized mapping algorithm allows the use of this methodology in network processor runtime systems where dynamic reallocation of tasks is necessary but processing power is limited. We present results that show the effectiveness of the analysis and mapping methodology as well as its application to design space exploration.


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ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems  Volume 8, Issue 3
April 2009
239 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

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Publication History

Published: 22 April 2009
Accepted: 01 July 2006
Revised: 01 May 2006
Received: 01 August 2005
Published in TECS Volume 8, Issue 3


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  1. Application profiling
  2. embedded systems
  3. multiprocessor scheduling
  4. network processors


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