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Extending the Engagement Taxonomy: Software Visualization and Collaborative Learning

Published: 01 March 2009 Publication History


As collaborative learning in general, and pair programming in particular, has become widely adopted in computer science education, so has the use of pedagogical visualization tools for facilitating collaboration. However, there is little theory on collaborative learning with visualization, and few studies on their effect on each other. We build on the concept of the engagement taxonomy and extend it to classify finer variations in the engagement that result from the use of a visualization tool. We analyze the applicability of the taxonomy to the description of the differences in the collaboration process when visualization is used. Our hypothesis is that increasing the level of engagement between learners and the visualization tool results in a higher positive impact of the visualization on the collaboration process. This article describes an empirical investigation designed to test the hypothesis. The results provide support for our extended engagement taxonomy and hypothesis by showing that the collaborative activities of the students and the engagement levels are correlated.


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    ACM Transactions on Computing Education  Volume 9, Issue 1
    March 2009
    167 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

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    Publication History

    Published: 01 March 2009
    Accepted: 01 November 2008
    Revised: 01 September 2008
    Received: 01 January 2008
    Published in TOCE Volume 9, Issue 1


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    1. Program visualization
    2. collaborative learning
    3. engagement taxonomy


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