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Semantics-based context-aware dynamic service composition

Published: 21 May 2009 Publication History


This article presents a semantics-based context-aware dynamic service composition framework that composes an application through combining distributed components based on the semantics of components and contexts of users. The proposed framework consists of Component Service Model with Semantics (CoSMoS), Component Runtime Environment (CoRE), and Semantic Graph based Service Composition (SeGSeC). CoSMoS models the semantics of components and contexts of users. CoRE is a middleware to support CoSMoS on various distributed computing technologies. SeGSeC is a mechanism to compose an application by synthesizing its workflow based on the semantics of components and contexts of users. The proposed framework is capable of composing applications requested in a natural language by leveraging the semantic information of components. The proposed framework composes applications differently to individual users based on their contexts and preferences. The proposed framework acquires user preferences from user-specified rules and also via learning. The proposed framework also adapts to dynamic environments by autonomously composing a new application upon detecting context change. This article describes the design and mechanism of the proposed framework, and also presents simulation experiments to evaluate the proposed framework.


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Yousri ElFattah

There is a growing demand for new mobile and pervasive environments where software services, devices, and resources can be selected and combined to build flexible and adaptive applications. Pervasive environments are characterized by richness of context, by the mobility of users and devices, and by the appearance and disappearance of resources over time. This paper presents a framework that deals with dynamic service composition and context awareness, two key aspects of application development for pervasive environments. Dynamic service composition aims at composing complex services (or applications) on the fly, from primitive distributed components. Context awareness aims to explicitly link services to contexts and adapt services, as the context of the user changes. The framework presented in this paper offers an approach that takes a user's context and preferences into account when determining which services to provide. A key idea of the paper is the use of semantics, in the form of conceptual graphs annotated with ontologies, to model the contexts of users and express how to compose applications in specific contexts. The approach then uses semantic-based similarity of component models to adapt dynamic service composition to the user's preferences and contexts. The framework assumes the availability of domain experts or component designers to provide the related ontologies in some appropriate language, such as the Web ontology language (OWL). For modeling contextual information, the framework can leverage existing ontologies about locations, device capabilities, and user profiles. Another key idea is the use of machine learning to learn additional rules for composing context-aware applications, apart from those initially designed or input by the end user. The framework records the history of user contexts and workflow executed by the user, and then uses a decision tree construction algorithm to formalize the contextual conditions under which components are selected. Such learning can improve adaptation to the user and alleviate the need for an initially complete specification. The style of the paper is rather informal and somewhat cumbersome to read. A formal description of the overall approach is lacking, and there is little coverage of the semantic modeling of components and services and the rule languages for stating context-awareness rules and user preferences. There are only two exceptions: how preference values of components are computed for the learning scheme (expressed in Equation 1) and how to determine semantic similarity between pairs of components (expressed in Equation 2). The paper also fails to provide a critical discussion of other approaches to dynamic composition, such as those based on artificial intelligence planning and semantic Web languages. The paper presents some experiments based on the implementation of the approach, using an emulated environment that simulates components and contexts. The simulation experiments compute the number of synthesized workflows and the success rates, as metrics, in order to evaluate the proposed framework. The paper describes empirical results on use cases, comparing four schemes for selecting components: random, popularity, rule based, and learning based. The results of the experiments are interesting, but not surprising. The simulations show that "the rule-based and learning-based schemes ... are more adaptive," more scalable, and "synthesize a [lower] number of workflows in dynamic environments than the random and popularity-based schemes." The authors provide no experiments that compare the proposed framework with other semantic-based approaches for context-aware dynamic service composition. Although the simulated experiments show promise for the proposed framework, it would be premature to draw practical conclusions before deploying the framework on real components, in real-life environments. Online Computing Reviews Service

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cover image ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems
ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems  Volume 4, Issue 2
May 2009
155 pages
Issue’s Table of Contents
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 21 May 2009
Accepted: 01 February 2009
Revised: 01 July 2008
Received: 01 November 2007
Published in TAAS Volume 4, Issue 2


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  1. Dynamic service composition
  2. context-aware
  3. semantics
  4. service oriented framework


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