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Understanding, scoping and defining user experience: a survey approach

Published: 04 April 2009 Publication History


Despite the growing interest in user experience (UX), it has been hard to gain a common agreement on the nature and scope of UX. In this paper, we report a survey that gathered the views on UX of 275 researchers and practitioners from academia and industry. Most respondents agree that UX is dynamic, context-dependent, and subjective. With respect to the more controversial issues, the authors propose to delineate UX as something individual (instead of social) that emerges from interacting with a product, system, service or an object. The draft ISO definition on UX seems to be in line with the survey findings, although the issues of experiencing anticipated use and the object of UX will require further explication. The outcome of this survey lays ground for understanding, scoping, and defining the concept of user experience.

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  1. Understanding, scoping and defining user experience: a survey approach



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      cover image ACM Conferences
      CHI '09: Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
      April 2009
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      Published: 04 April 2009


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