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10.1145/1518701.1518980acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PageschiConference Proceedingsconference-collections

The problem of consistency in the design of Fitts' law experiments: consider either target distance and width or movement form and scale

Published: 04 April 2009 Publication History


An intriguing anomaly of the usual way of designing Fitts' law experiments in experimental psychology and HCI is exposed: experiments are traditionally designed so as to carefully balance two ancillary factors, target distance D and target width W, but not task difficulty, the factor unanimously thought to be crucial. Troubling factor confounds and hence quantitative estimation errors result from this inconsistency. The problem, it is suggested, may be fixed if the equivocalness of the fractional expression D/W that appears on the right-hand side of Fitts' law equations is acknowledged. This two-degree-of-freedom expression can be taken to specify either D and W or the form F and the scale S of the movement task. The paper ends up with practical recommendations for the design of consistent Fitts' law experiments. In most cases eliminating one factor will allow a safer estimation of Fitts' law parameters, while simplifying the experimental work.


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  1. The problem of consistency in the design of Fitts' law experiments: consider either target distance and width or movement form and scale



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        cover image ACM Conferences
        CHI '09: Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
        April 2009
        2426 pages
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        Association for Computing Machinery

        New York, NY, United States

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        Published: 04 April 2009


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        Author Tags

        1. Fitts' law
        2. experimental design
        3. methodology
        4. movement amplitude
        5. movement difficulty
        6. movement form
        7. movement scale
        8. movement shape
        9. target distance
        10. target tolerance
        11. target width
        12. theory


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