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Contact-aware nonlinear control of dynamic characters

Published: 27 July 2009 Publication History


Dynamically simulated characters are difficult to control because they are underactuated---they have no direct control over their global position and orientation. In order to succeed, control policies must look ahead to determine stabilizing actions, but such planning is complicated by frequent ground contacts that produce a discontinuous search space. This paper introduces a locomotion system that generates high-quality animation of agile movements using nonlinear controllers that plan through such contact changes. We demonstrate the general applicability of this approach by emulating walking and running motions in rigid-body simulations. Then we consolidate these controllers under a higher-level planner that interactively controls the character's direction.

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  1. Contact-aware nonlinear control of dynamic characters



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    ACM Transactions on Graphics  Volume 28, Issue 3
    August 2009
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    Published: 27 July 2009
    Published in TOG Volume 28, Issue 3


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    1. character control
    2. character simulation
    3. physics-based character animation


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