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Homology flows, cohomology cuts

Published: 31 May 2009 Publication History


We describe the first algorithms to compute maximum flows in surface-embedded graphs in near-linear time. Specifically, given an undirected graph embedded on an orientable surface of genus g, with two specified vertices s and t, we can compute a maximum (s,t)-flow in O(g7 n log2 n log2 C) time for integer capacities that sum to C, or in (g log n)O(g) n time for real capacities. Except for the special case of planar graphs, for which an O(n log n)-time algorithm has been known for 20 years, the best previous time bounds for maximum flows in surface-embedded graphs follow from algorithms for general sparse graphs. Our key insight is to optimize the relative homology class of the flow, rather than directly optimizing the flow itself. A dual formulation of our algorithm computes the minimum-cost cycle or circulation in a given (real or integer) homology class.


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