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Efficient reasoning about a robust XML key fragment

Published: 02 July 2009 Publication History


We review key constraints in the context of XML as introduced by Buneman et al. We demonstrate that:
(1) one of the proposed inference rules is not sound in general, and
(2) the inference rules are incomplete for XML key implication, even for nonempty sets of simple key paths.
This shows, in contrast to earlier statements, that the axiomatizability of XML keys is still open, and efficient algorithms for deciding their implication still need to be developed. Solutions to these problems have a wide range of applications including consistency validation, XML schema design, data exchange and integration, consistent query answering, XML query optimization and rewriting, and indexing.
In this article, we investigate the axiomatizability and implication problem for XML keys with nonempty sets of simple key paths. In particular, we propose a set of inference rules that is indeed sound and complete for the implication of such XML keys. We demonstrate that this fragment is robust by showing the duality of XML key implication to the reachability problem of fixed nodes in a suitable digraph. This enables us to develop a quadratic-time algorithm for deciding implication, and shows that reasoning about this XML key fragment is practically efficient. Therefore, XML applications can be unlocked effectively since they benefit not only from those XML keys specified explicitly by the data designer but also from those that are specified implicitly.


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ACM Transactions on Database Systems  Volume 34, Issue 2
June 2009
210 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Publication History

Published: 02 July 2009
Accepted: 01 January 2009
Revised: 01 January 2009
Received: 01 March 2008
Published in TODS Volume 34, Issue 2


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  1. XML data
  2. XML key
  3. axiomatization
  4. implication
  5. reachability


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