Cited By
View all- Carmagnola FLoffredo ABerardi GCattuto CRuffo GMenczer F(2009)Vcast on facebookProceedings of the 20th ACM conference on Hypertext and hypermedia10.1145/1557914.1557972(329-330)Online publication date: 29-Jun-2009
Social networking service has become very popular recently. Many recommendation systems have been proposed to integrate with social networking websites. Traditional recommendation systems focus on providing popular items or items posted by close ...
This paper proposes a novel Collaborative Filtering scheme; it focuses on the dynamics and precedence of user preference to recommend items that match the latest preference of the target user. In predicting which items this user will purchase in the ...
Top-N item recommendation is one of the important tasks of recommenders. Collaborative filtering is the most popular approach to building recommender systems which can predict ratings for a given user and item. Collaborative filtering can be extended ...
Association for Computing Machinery
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