Cited By
View all- Partridge C(2011)Forty data communications research questionsACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review10.1145/2043165.204317041:5(24-35)Online publication date: 22-Oct-2011
In this paper, we walk in the footsteps of the stimulating paper by Lee Breslau and Scott Shenker entitled “Best-effort vs. Reservations: A Simple Comparative Analysis”[1]. In fact, we finally follow their invitation to use their models as a starting ...
In this paper, we propose probabilistic splitting of a packet stream at the edge routers as the basic method to provide end-to-end proportional QoS to packet flows carried through an OBS network, in terms of loss probability. We argue that the only ...
The EuQoS (End-to-End QoS over Heterogeneous Networks) IST Integrated European Project aimed to define a Next Generation Network architecture that builds, uses and manages end-to-end QoS across different administrative domains and heterogeneous networks ...
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