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A minimum energy path topology control algorithm for wireless multihop networks

Published: 21 June 2009 Publication History


Devices in wireless multihop networks should communicate with each other along minimum energy-consuming paths for energy-saving. To this end, any energy-aware topology control scheme should not destroy these paths. The Localized Dijkstra Topology Control (LDTC) algorithm discussed in this paper aims at constructing a network topology to preserve all the minimum energy paths by using only local information subject to network connectivity. It also takes link quality requirements to assign transmission power. Furthermore, LDTC is proven analytically that it can maintain bidirectional wireless links to facilitate handshake mechanisms. Moreover, within the Euclidean graph, no two links intersect in the derived topology, which can mitigate interference. Simulation results indicate that LDTC generates a simple topology with small node degree and short transmission radius. When cooperating with different routing strategies, it performs well in energy and hop count spanners, and can be easily implemented in wireless multihop networks.


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  1. A minimum energy path topology control algorithm for wireless multihop networks



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      cover image ACM Conferences
      IWCMC '09: Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing: Connecting the World Wirelessly
      June 2009
      1561 pages
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      Association for Computing Machinery

      New York, NY, United States

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      Published: 21 June 2009


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      1. energy-saving
      2. minimum energy path
      3. topology control


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