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10.1145/1593105.1593190acmotherconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication Pagesacm-seConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Determining the preferences

Published: 28 March 2008 Publication History


This paper discusses the process of placing a preference in a decision-making process. In a decision-making process, one may have to make a decision that will satisfy more than one objective. An important or preference may be place on an objective. Once the preference has been placed, the decision can be made. For the fuzzy logic based technique of multiobjective decision making, the same thing basically occurs. Here, one alternative or decision to be made will satisfy more than one objective to a certain degree. This research goes far beyond just using the equations of a fuzzy logic based technique in a program. It allows for calculations to occur for the objective fuzzy set and preference values. The programmer would set the equations for the objective fuzzy sets and preferences. But based on the distance an obstacle is from the robot and the width of a possible path, the values for the objectives and preferences would be calculated.


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  • (2010)Adding decision-making capability to robotsProceedings of the 48th annual ACM Southeast Conference10.1145/1900008.1900128(1-2)Online publication date: 15-Apr-2010

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  1. Determining the preferences



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    Published: 28 March 2008


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    1. decision-making
    2. fuzzy logic
    3. multiobjective decision making


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    ACM SE08
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