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View all- Ziegler MPuri RPhilhower BFranch RLuk WLeenstra JVerwegen PFricke NGristede GFluhr EZyuban V(2014)POWER8 design methodology innovations for improving productivity and reducing powerProceedings of the IEEE 2014 Custom Integrated Circuits Conference10.1109/CICC.2014.6946042(1-9)Online publication date: Sep-2014
- Ziegler MGristede GZyuban VChou PHuang RXie YKarnik T(2013)Power reduction by aggressive synthesis design space explorationProceedings of the 2013 International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design10.5555/2648668.2648765(421-426)Online publication date: 4-Sep-2013
- Ziegler MGristede GZyuban V(2013)Power reduction by aggressive synthesis design space explorationInternational Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design (ISLPED)10.1109/ISLPED.2013.6629335(421-426)Online publication date: Sep-2013
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