Cited By
View all- McGovern J(2013)Context Similarity EvaluationProceedings of the 2013 International Conference on Cloud and Green Computing10.1109/CGC.2013.93(553-557)Online publication date: 30-Sep-2013
- Cubo JPimentel ESalaün GCanal C(2010)Handling Data-Based Concurrency in Context-Aware Service ProtocolsElectronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science10.4204/EPTCS.30.530(62-77)Online publication date: 28-Jul-2010
- Cubo JCanal CPimentel E(2010)Context-Aware Service Discovery and Adaptation Based on Semantic MatchmakingProceedings of the 2010 Fifth International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services10.1109/ICIW.2010.89(554-561)Online publication date: 9-May-2010