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QUASOSS '09: Proceedings of the 1st international workshop on Quality of service-oriented software systems
ACM2009 Proceeding
  • Association for Computing Machinery
  • New York
  • NY
  • United States
ESEC/FSE09: Joint 12th European Software Engineering Conference Amsterdam The Netherlands 25 August 2009
25 August 2009
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It is our great pleasure to welcome you to the 1st International Workshop on the Quality of Service-Oriented Software System -- QUASOSS'09 -- affiliated with the 7th joint meeting of the European Software Engineering Conference (ESEC) and the ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (FSE) -- ESEC/FSE'09.

Our workshop provides a forum for both researchers and practitioners to discuss the open issues and emerging trends in the area of quality engineering for service-oriented software systems. Service-oriented software systems have recently emerged from component-based software engineering. They support a new paradigm, which is more aligned with business concepts and allows for dynamic composition of software architectures. Service-oriented software systems started as distributed or web-based applications, but are now spreading also into other domains (e.g., software-intensive systems). The paradigm of cloud computing with software-as-a-service applications is a recent representative of a new wave of service-oriented software systems. While concepts for service design, composition, provisioning, and management are currently maturing, a systematic engineering approach to service-oriented software with predictable quality-of-service (QoS) is still missing.

The program committee accepted 7 papers that cover a variety of topics, including performance modelling, performance measurements, trade-off analyses between quality attributes, modelling event-driven systems, and managing and monitoring service-oriented system at runtime. In addition the program includes a panel on the future of quality engineering for service-oriented systems and a keynote speech by Antonia Bertolino. We hope that these proceedings will serve as a valuable reference for researchers and developers.

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SESSION: Keynote address
Approaches to testing service-oriented software systems

The attractiveness and popularity of Service-Oriented Software Systems (SOSSs) stem from the growing availability of independent services that can be cost-effectively composed with other services to dynamically provide richer functionality. Service-...

SESSION: Quality at design time: new models from measurements
Issues in performance modeling of applications with garbage collection

Even though garbage collectors are incorporated in many service oriented systems, service performance models typically treat garbage collector overhead as a constant background factor. We use benchmark experiments to show that this treatment can make ...

Response-time measurements using the sun Java adventure builder

Extensive data sets are an indispensable prerequisite for modelling the behaviour of service-oriented systems. As part of an ongoing research effort we are developing a SOA testbed that allows for fault-injection at various levels of the system. Within ...

Black-box performance models: prediction based on observation

Software performance engineering enables software architects to find potential performance problems, such as bottlenecks and long delays, prior to implementation and testing. Such early feedback on the system's performance is essential to develop and ...

SESSION: Quality at design time: using models
Optimising multiple quality criteria of service-oriented software architectures

Quantitative prediction of quality criteria (i.e. extra-functional properties such as performance, reliability, and cost) of service-oriented architectures supports a systematic software engineering approach. However, various degrees of freedom in ...

Modeling event-driven service-oriented systems using the palladio component model

The use of event-based communication within a Service-Oriented Architecture promises several benefits including more loosely-coupled services and better scalability. However, the loose coupling of services makes it difficult for system developers to ...

SESSION: Quality at runtime: management & monitoring
Run-time resource management in SOA virtualized environments

Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and virtualization of physical resources are key emerging technologies which are driving the interest of research both from industry and academia. The combination of the two is leading to a new paradigm - the Service ...

SOA monitoring based on a formal workflow model with constraints

Today, enterprise critical applications exhibit high complexity, and their non-functional properties like performance and availability are of major importance. From a user perspective, it is desirable to specify both functional and non-functional ...

  • ABB Group, Germany
  • Mälardalen University
  • Charles University
  1. Proceedings of the 1st international workshop on Quality of service-oriented software systems
