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Run-time resource management in SOA virtualized environments

Published: 25 August 2009 Publication History


Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and virtualization of physical resources are key emerging technologies which are driving the interest of research both from industry and academia. The combination of the two is leading to a new paradigm - the Service Oriented Infrastructure - (SOI) whose goal is to provide a flexible solution for accessing component based service applications on demand.
SOI environments are characterized by high workload fluctuations which cannot be accommodated by separating design and run-time point of view as traditionally done in Software Engineering practice. Hence, the design of SOA applications has to be complemented with issues related with the run-time resource provisioning. In this paper the problem of determining the optimum capacity allocation for multiple Virtual Machines which share the same hosting environment is addressed. The overall goal is to maximize the Service Provider profits associated with multiple classes of Service Level Agreements. The capacity allocation problem is modeled as a non-linear problem which is optimally solved. The effectiveness of our solution is assessed by performing real experiments in a prototype environment.


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cover image ACM Conferences
QUASOSS '09: Proceedings of the 1st international workshop on Quality of service-oriented software systems
August 2009
60 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 25 August 2009


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  1. empirical studies and experiments
  2. managing extra-functional properties
  3. resource consumption
  4. run-time qos management
  5. soa and virtualized systems


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