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The International Lisp Conference 2007 is the fourth conference in a row organized by the Association of Lisp Users in cooperation with ACM SIGPLAN, and took place at the Clare College, Cambridge, UK on April 1-4, 2007. The conference hosted a diverse program consisting of tutorials, workshops and demonstrations. The technical sessions featured eight prominent invited speakers and presentations of technical papers and experience reports. After a careful review process of 22 original submissions, the program committee accepted 6 submissions as technical papers, and 13 submissions as experience reports. These proceedings now contain 5 of the accepted technical papers in full, and all the experience reports as extended abstracts.
Proceeding Downloads
Scalable Lisp applications
The focus of Franz's research and development efforts over the past few years has been storing billions of objects in AllegroCache and billions of RDF triples in AllegroGraph. In the process we had to invent and create a lot of new and interesting ...
Dynamic memory management
Garbage collection (GC) is a key component of almost all modern programming languages. The advent of conventional object-oriented languages supported by managed run-times (e.g. Java, C# and even Managed C++) has brought GC into the mainstream and, as ...
CL-HTTP: an open-source cross-platform environment for web application development and deployment
Since it was first implemented in 1994, CL-HTTP has continued to mature as a production Web server and gain new features. This talk will overview the major components, including the server, mark up generation tools, client, caching proxy, Web walker, as ...
Teaching CS to undergraduates at UPMC
This presentation is about some experiments done at UPMC since 2000 in the CS undergraduate department. An initiation course, based on Scheme, was introduced offering some facilities for home work and stand alone offline studies. I will describe "Web ...
Building a commercial OWL reasoner with Lisp
This presentation describes the functionality of the RacerPro OWL reasoner. Then, in order to demonstrate the power of Lisp technology through available software components, it describes the architecture of RacerPro in terms of its main components, as ...
HOP: an environment for developing web 2.0 applications
Hop is a language dedicated to programming reactive and dynamic applications for the web, such as web agendas, web galleries, web mail clients, etc. In this presentation, we highlight the linguistic novelties introduced by Hop and its execution ...
It's all about being right: lessons from the R6RS process
In the Revised Reports on Scheme up to R5RS, the language could only be changed by unanimous consent. It has been widely believed that any language changes made in this way would clearly be the right thing. Arguably, this process reached its limits with ...
Lisp: themes and history
This presentation will cover several themes connected with Lisp. There will be some part about history, some part about semantical equivalences of code pieces in Lisp, etc.
A metaobject protocol for CLforJava
CLforJava is a new implementation of Common Lisp that intertwines its architecture and operation with Java. The authors describe a new architecture for a CLOS MOP that supports transparent, bi-directional access between Lisp and Java. The access ...
Constraint solving in common Lisp
Constraint solving has become an established approach for the handling of complex combinatorial and scheduling problems. We present a constraint solver framework that enables the interchange of most solver aspects through its extensive modular design. ...
Modularizing crosscuts in an e-commerce application in Lisp using HALO
Some program concerns cannot be cleanly modularized, and their implementation leads to code that is both hard to understand and maintain. In this paper we consider extending an e-commerce application, written in CLOS, with two of such crosscutting ...
Simple and efficient compilation of list comprehension in common Lisp
List Comprehension is a succinct syntactic form to describe lists in functional languages. It uses nested generators (i.e., iterators) and filters (i.e., Boolean expressions). The former generates lists, whereas the latter restricts the contents of ...
User-extensible sequences in common Lisp
Common Lisp is often touted as the programmable programming language, yet it sometimes places large barriers in the way, with the best of intentions. One of those barriers is a limit to the extensibility by the user of certain core language constructs, ...
Lisp-based agent platform and applications for inter-domain network management
The Internet consists of several thousand interconnected autonomous systems (ASes). For enabling the autonomous network management that ensures stable access at the inter-AS level and flexible inter-domain routing control, it is important to know how ...
Classification using conditional probabilities and Shannon's definition of information
Our problem is to build a maximally efficient Bayesian classifier when each parameter has a different cost and provides a different amount of information toward the solution. This is an extremely computationally expensive problem. We accept a sub-...
FREEDIUS: an open source Lisp-based image understanding environment
This paper describes FREEDIUS, an open-source image understanding system. FREEDIUS is a Lisp-C hybrid system that exploits CLOS for rapid prototyping, flexibility of presentation in the user interface, and flexibility in persistent object storage. ...
CL-SNA: social network analysis with Lisp
Social relations have been a research interest in many areas of social sciences. In sociology, for example, individuals up in the power hierarchy in a group can be determined quantitatively by looking at the number of direct relations to others in the ...
Computational tools for the analysis of spatial patterns of gene expression in Common Lisp
Scientific and technological advances in biotechnology have led to the determination of the sequence of the genomes of a growing number of organisms. Tools such as DNA microarrays offer the ability to determine the levels of expression of substantially ...
Portable Common Lisp graphical user interfaces with LTk
While many implementations of Common Lisp provide graphical toolkits, Common Lisp as a whole lacks a standard way of creating graphical user interfaces. This is related to the fact that there is also no portable Common Lisp foreign function interface. ...
Experience with SC: transformation-based implementation of various extensions to C
We have proposed the SC language system which facilitates language extensions by translation into C. In this paper, we present our experience with the SC language system and discuss its design, implementation, applications and improvements. In ...
The next 700 programming libraries
Modern software requirements are more diverse than before and can only be timely fulfilled via the extensive use of libraries. As a result, modern programmers spend a significant fraction of their time just mixing and matching these libraries. ...
A domain-specific language for manipulation of binary data in Dylan
We present a domain specific language for manipulation of binary data, or structured byte sequences, as they appear in everyday applications such as networking or graphics file manipulation. Our DSL is implemented as an extension of the Dylan language, ...
X-expressions in XMLisp: S-expressions and extensible markup language unite
XMLisp unites S-expressions with XML into X-expressions that unify the notions of data sharing with computation. Using a combination of the Meta Object Protocol (MOP), readers and printers, X-expressions uniquely integrate XML at a language, not API ...
ESA: a CLIM library for writing Emacs-Style Applications
We describe ESA (for Emacs-Style Application), a library for writing applications with an Emacs look-and-feel within the Common Lisp Interface Manager. The ESA library takes advantage of the layered design of CLIM to provide a command loop that uses ...
DAUTI: automated universal traffic introspector
This paper introduces DAUTI, a network traffic simulator, applies it to a simulation research problem, and demonstrates the ease-of-use and applicability of functional languages to network simulation. DAUTI is an Open-Source, fully configurable, rapidly ...
Dynamic ADTs: a "don't ask, don't tell" policy for data abstraction
We outline an approach to abstract data types (ADTs) that allows an object of the type specified by the ADT to take on one of many possible representations. A dynamic abstract data type (DADT) is dual to dynamic algorithm selection and facilitates ...
Acceptance Rates
Year | Submitted | Accepted | Rate |
ILC '14 | 26 | 18 | 69% |
Overall | 26 | 18 | 69% |