Cited By
View all- Bastl BJüttler BKosinka JLávička M(2010)Volumes with piecewise quadratic medial surface transformsComputer-Aided Design10.1016/j.cad.2010.02.00742:6(571-579)Online publication date: 1-Jun-2010
MOS surfaces (i.e., medial surface transforms obeying a sum of squares condition) are rational surfaces in R^3^,^1 which possess rational envelopes of the associated two-parameter families of spheres. Moreover, all offsets of the envelopes admit ...
Parametric surfaces and implicit surfaces are generally used for representing curved surfaces in CAD/CG Systems. This paper discusses a curved tubular object which is a surface swept by a sphere/circle moving along a curve. For the trajectory curve, a ...
The offset surfaces to non-developable quadratic triangular Bezier patches are rational surfaces. In this paper we give a direct proof of this result and formulate an algorithm for computing the parameterization of the offsets. Based on the observation ...
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