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10.1145/1629335.1629367acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesesweekConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Handling mixed-criticality in SoC-based real-time embedded systems

Published: 12 October 2009 Publication History


System-on-Chip (SoC) is a promising paradigm to implement safety-critical embedded systems, but it poses significant challenges from a design and verification point of view. In particular, in a mixed-criticality system, low criticality applications must be prevented from interfering with high criticality ones. In this paper, we introduce a new design methodology for SoC that provides strong isolation guarantees to applications with different criticalities. A set of certificates describing the assumed application behavior is extracted from a functional Architectural Analysis and Design Language (AADL) specification. Our tools then automatically generate hardware wrappers that enforce at run-time the behavior described by the certificates. In particular, we employ run-time monitoring to formally check all data communication in the system, and we enforce timing reservations for both computation and communication resources. Verification is greatly simplified because certificates are much simpler than the components used to implement low-criticality applications. The effectiveness of our methodology is proven on a case study consisting of a medical pacemaker.


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cover image ACM Conferences
EMSOFT '09: Proceedings of the seventh ACM international conference on Embedded software
October 2009
332 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 12 October 2009


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  1. AADL
  2. mixed-criticality
  3. platform-based design
  4. runtime monitoring
  5. system-on-chip


  • Research-article


ESWeek '09
ESWeek '09: Fifth Embedded Systems Week
October 12 - 16, 2009
Grenoble, France

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EMSOFT '09 Paper Acceptance Rate 33 of 106 submissions, 31%;
Overall Acceptance Rate 60 of 203 submissions, 30%


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