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View all- Buschiazzo PNiederstätter MScapolla A(2012)A Lab Server Model for the iLab Shared ArchitectureInternet Accessible Remote Laboratories10.4018/978-1-61350-186-3.ch014(276-293)Online publication date: 2012
Service-oriented architectures (SOA) is an emerging approach that addresses the requirements of loosely coupled, standards-based, and protocol- independent distributed computing. Typically business operations running in an SOA comprise a number of ...
With the growing number of service advertisements in service marketplaces, there is a need for matchmakers which select and rank functionally similar services based on non-functional properties, such as QoS and reputation parameters. Current matchmakers ...
Service-Oriented Architecture is widely used to program pervasive spaces such as Smart Homes because of its capabilities to handle dynamic and heterogeneous environments. It is often the case that the services required are designed and implemented using ...
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