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A natural head pose and eye gaze dataset
We present a new dataset, ideal for Head Pose and Eye Gaze Estimation algorithm testings. Our dataset was recorded using a monocular system, and no information regarding camera or environment parameters is offered, making the dataset ideal to be tested ...
Evaluating emotional algorithms using psychological scales
Evaluating the effectiveness of emotional algorithms is a challenge in the research of affective computing. This paper presents an evaluation method using psychological scales. Affective interfaces and artifacts generated by different emotional ...
Hybrid text affect sensing system for emotional language analysis
It is argued that for a computer to be able to interact with humans it needs to have the communication skills of humans. One of the main skills of human computer intelligent interaction is the affective aspect of communication, and language is one of ...
Towards an intelligent affective multimodal virtual agent for uncertain environments
Affective interaction between a user and a virtual agent must be believable. The virtual actor has to behave properly, to have the capacity to talk in natural language and to express some affectivity. For achieving this goal, it is basic to provide the ...
A Wizard-of-Oz game for collecting emotional audio data in a children-robot interaction
In this paper, we focus on the recording protocol for gathering emotional audio data during interactions between the Nao robot and children. The robot is operated by a Wizard-of-Oz, according to strategies meant to elicit vocal expressions of emotions ...
An integrated approach to emotional speech and gesture synthesis in humanoid robots
This paper describes an integrated approach to recognizing and generating affect on a humanoid robot as it interacts with a human user. We describe a method for detecting basic affect signals in the user's speech input and generate appropriately chosen ...
Appraising emotional events during a real-time interactive game
Interactive virtual agents now commonly display facial expressions of emotions. Most of these expressions are triggered using a finite set of labeled emotions, e.g. the six basic emotions (a single expression being assigned to each emotion). However, ...
Expressive virtual modalities for augmenting the perception of affective movements
Recent progress in augmented reality enables them to be integrated in performing arts applications. So-called "augmented performances" are set up around the world, providing the audience with a new experience. As artistic tools, augmentation elicits ...
An exploration of user engagement in HCI
Engagement is a concept of the utmost importance in human computer interaction, not only for informing the design and implementation of interfaces, but also for enabling more sophisticated interfaces capable of adapting to users. While the notion of ...
Designing a game companion for long-term social interaction
The ability to understand the user's affective states and expressions is an important requirement for a robot companion. In this paper we focus on an interaction scenario where an iCat robot plays chess with children. We discuss the challenges to ...
Postural expressions of emotion in a motion captured database and in a humanoid robot
Humanoid robots need to be endowed with the capacity to express emotions using full body postures. In this paper we describe how a motion capture database was collected and labelled. We explain how we use it for the specification of a lexicon of ...