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View all- Cao JWang G(2011)Non-uniform B-spline curveswith multiple shape parametersJournal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE C10.1631/jzus.C100038112:10(800-808)Online publication date: 5-Oct-2011
In this paper, we study in depth a new modeling method for parameter curves and surface-hyperbolic polynomial uniform B-spline surfaces with shape parameter. Based on this model, we give an example of free-form curve modeling, and analyze the effect ...
In this paper, the trigonometric basis {sin t, cos t, t, 1} and the hyperbolic basis {sinh t, cosh t, t, 1} are unified by a shape parameter C (0 ≤ C < ∞). It yields the Functional B-splines (FB-splines) and its corresponding Subdivision B-splines (SB-...
In this paper, we have studied in depth a new modeling method of the parameter curve and surface—uniform B-spline surface with shape parameters. Based on this model, we have given an example of Free-form curve modeling, and analyzed the effect that ...
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