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Published: 16 December 2009 Publication History


Most computer-generated imagery represents scenes with clear atmospheres, neglecting light scattering effects. But scattering is a fundamental aspect of light transport in a wide range of applications, whether one is simulating it or interpreting it, from medical imaging to driving simulators or underwater imagery. This course addresses the challenges associated with light scattering in a computer-graphics context. The field has seen great advances over the past few years, but most of the existing algorithms still assume that light emitted by a source or reflected off a surface reaches the sensor unaltered. This is due mainly to the complex interactions that occur and the high computational costs of simulating them. Scattering effects are one fundamental hurdle that must be overcome to significantly extend and enhance current state-of-the-art graphics techniques and achieve successful effects in a wide range of domains. This course is designed to increase awareness about this area and reveal new research directions.


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